The Mental Excercise Of Reading Lives

The Mental Exercise of Reading Lives
(An excerpt from the book of Lines 12, 9,14,5,19)
There is more to life than you believe. There is more to me than you can see. We all revolve around the number 3.
Our lives are nothing but an organized system of LINES.
Intersecting lines of 3. It is part of the code behind everything.
My music is the only thing that sets it free. I can see a different reality.
Let me show you what I mean…
“L” is the 12th letter of the alphabet.
“I” is the 9th letter of the alphabet.
“N” is the 14th letter of the alphabet.
“E” is the 5th letter of the alphabet.
“S” is the 19th letter of the alphabet.
These letters 12,9,14,5,19 spell “LINES”
Now using this equation 12,9,14,5,19, Mentally exercise and decode this message of everyday lives:
Your vacant ti(12)me in here f(9)rame by frame is y(14)our mo(5)dus operandi. Is that mu(19)ch of a living c(12)onfined to(9)what’s on dialogu(14)e? Coul(5)d you add lib a single ad(19)visable line? S(12)ay “What the(9)f**k is going on?” E(14)mulat(5)e the situations you th(19)ank for minute(12)thoughts t(9)riggering touch(14)es of I(5)nspiration. Draw atten(19)tion to propag(12)anda in a Ps(9)eudonym as the ti(14)tle is(5)recited in the verses. E(19)gotistical he(12)aring is Aw(9)akening my soul, o(14)mnibu(5)s are the words. How coul(19)d I be this way? D(12)ecadent. My(9)thoughts have vo(14)iced u(5)ltrasonic cries. In yes(19)terday I was re(12)fined, now e(9)mpathetic is my m(14)ind. Se(5)e alienorganization h(19)as taken over e(12)laborate a(9)utomation. It is r(14)ecrim(5)inating my sense of the(19)reprise. Can’t f(12)ind out the(9)reasons why I see(14)m so cl(5)arified, analyzing dif(19)ferent sides, r(12)atios of re(9)peating lines. Me(14)tapho(5)rically life is this pr(19)ogram I’m confr(12)onting. The(9)database is two f(14)iles u(5)nmasking each other’s s(19)tructure. The E(12)pisode met(9)hodical, and the o(14)ther b(5)asis is the logical one(19) .
Now start at the first letter of the passage I just read to you then count to the 12th letter. Letter number 12 is the first letter of my hidden message.
Then count 9 letters ahead from that and you will receive the next letter of my hidden message.
Then count 14 letters ahead from that and you will then receive the next letter of my hidden message.
Then count 5 letters ahead from that and you will then receive the next letter of my hidden message.
Then count 19 letters from that and you will then receive the next letter of my hidden message.
Then start over 12 letters from that repeating the pattern 12,9,14,5,19.
This is the hidden message behind everything I’ve grown to see…
There is a hidden message behind everything … And if you open your eyes, your ears, and breathe… then you will finally see what I mean.
Permanent make up all alone again erased the presence of change. Can’t live that way. So where do we go from here? Room3, the mental exercise of reading lives, broken reflections, fame, dead, goodbye.